[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer is a popular season to travel. School is out, and there are often some lax periods for many professions so that you can take some time off and travel. But while you are away from home, there are some risks for accidents. Here are the seven most common vacationing accidents[/vc_column_text][us_single_image image=”10010″ css=”.vc_custom_1562677490737{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]

  1. Road Trip accidents
    • If you are taking a road trip, you are spending a significantly more extended period in your car, than you usually would. That alone gives a more significant opportunity to experience a car accident. However, there are a few different aspects of driving in new locations that could affect your safety. In different states and areas, there are different driving patterns and styles of driving that you may be unfamiliar with. Driving in a large city is vastly different than driving in a rural setting. There is also unfamiliar signage and new sights that can keep your attention divided. Make sure that if at all possible, you utilize a co-pilot so that the driver can keep their full attention on the road and not become distracted.
  2. Slips, Trips, and Falls
    • Uneven sidewalks, cobblestone streets, bunched up carpet, and wet floors… these are all the most common culprits when it comes to slips, trips, and falls. If any of these happen to be in an area that attracts tourists, there should be signage to point out any of these known areas. If there is no signage, and the staff is aware of the liability, then there could be an issue of premise liability. Make sure to pay attention to the ground directly in front of you so that you will not fall. Injuries from falls can cause some severe damage to your person.
  3. Security negligence accidents
    • If you are staying in an area that is well known to have issues of robbery, it is vital that your hotel creates a safe place for you. If you are robbed in an area of your hotel, parking lot or open space, make sure that you talk to an attorney. You could have an issue of liability on your hands, but it depends on your exact circumstances. Overall, do your best not to fall prey to robbers. Try not to carry large amounts of cash with you and never carry your passport while you are out and about.
  4. Sunburn and heatstroke
    • Most areas are very sunny during the summer season, but if you are traveling to a country that is significantly closer to the equator than you are, you will need to be very aware of how much sun you are getting. Make sure that you are wearing sunblock and not spending copious amounts of time between noon and 3 pm. If you start to feel dizzy, have a headache, feel confused, or a quickened pulse, it could be a heat stroke. In those cases, make sure to seek medical attention right away.
  5. Food poisoning
    • Food poisoning happens when bacteria are in your food or water. In foreign countries, you will want to pay extra attention to what you are eating and drinking to make sure that you are not going to get sick. Food poisoning leads to dehydration. You may want to find electrolyte filled beverages and utilize them. Also, stick to bland foods like crackers, bread, rice, or bananas until your stomach is feeling better. Do not drink any carbonated beverages and stay away from fatty and spicy foods afterward.
    • We hope that your vacations are all injury free and hopefully this list will give you some aspects to look for and keep you and your party safe!


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