A common theme you may be seeing with these medical malpractice blogs is our expectations. This blog is no different dealing with medication errors. When prescribed a certain drug or when you are administered a medication in the hospital, you have expectations of the drug to aid your immune system in fighting a bacterial infection or possibly to help aid in lessening your pain. And where many different medications are available to us today, what we do realize is that they are not a magic pill that is a cure all. In fact, there is a lot of details that go into making sure that you are getting the correct dosage of your prescription drugs. Your medical practitioner should be asking you about previous conditions, what other medicines you are taking, your age, your height, your weight and any allergies that you may have. All of these different aspects will affect your body chemistry and how the medication will interact with you.

Medication errors can occur when any of the above aspects have not been taken into consideration. There can also be errors when there is no documentation of what drugs have been administered which could lead to an overdose of the medication. There are possible errors when a prescription is not legible, and the pharmacist gives the wrong medication or the wrong dosage to the patient. There can also be damage done when the patient is not made acutely aware of all the side effects and risks associated with taking the medication.

When seeking legal help with a possible medication error malpractice case, there is a need to show that an error did occur and that the error is not on your part. If you would like to talk to someone about what your next steps could be as well if you may need legal representation, please call us. We have years of experience dealing with medical malpractice cases and may be able to help you.

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