As Christmas approaches you may notice increased holiday traffic, pushy shoppers at the local retail store, cooler weather, cold and flu season and many things that can make someone want to bundle up and stay inside all season.


We wanted to make sure you are as safe as possible during this holly and jolly time of year.  The following are some precautions to help you out during this busy time:


Fall Hazards
  • When putting up Christmas lights, please make sure your ladder is secure.
  • If the parking lots and sidewalks are icy be extra cautious when walking on them
House precautions
  • Install working smoke alarms in your home
  • Make sure your tree is well hydrated
  • Do not overload electrical circuits and devices
  • Wash your hands often to decrease the spread of germs
Road Hazards
  • Icy roads can make for unsafe driving; please pay close attention to your speed and pedestrian traffic
  • Be extra cautious of other drivers and pedestrians
  • With the time change the sun goes down sooner, please be aware of decreased visibility
Holiday Celebrations
  • Be careful of possible food allergies in all of the yummy holiday treats
  • Do not drink and drive, consider a taxi, a designated driver or staying someplace safe
  • Remember to store leftover food properly to avoid it possibly spoiling and making you sick
  • Staying hydrated during this busy party and shopping season is key


And above all else enjoy your family and friends this joyous, red, green and twinkling tree filled holiday season.


And remember, Santa’s making a list and he’s checking it twice so don’t forget to leave out those cookies and a glass of milk on Christmas Eve.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Raynes Erickson Attorneys at Law.

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