In most sickness or injury situations, we turn to a medical professional, especially in an emergency.
Medical professionals are trained to handle the pressure and to maintain calm with a sense of urgency in the emergency room. However, there are times when negligence occurs within the hospital walls. Responding immediately to a variety of severe situations can come with hazards. The very high volume and fast-paced nature of the ER make them susceptible to possible medical errors. At times these errors may result in injury to a patient, and this is in no way fair for those seeking help.


When rushed to a hospital emergency room the fast-moving nature can often be confusing and scary for a patient and their family members who are soliciting answers.
Those seeking help deserve quality care with the proper assessment of what ails them. When harm or death of a patient is due to the negligence of a healthcare provider, it is considered medical malpractice.  This is not your fault, and you are not alone. The professional staff at Raynes | Erickson Attorneys at Law is here to make sure the ER staff is held responsible for a medical malpractice suit.


If you or a loved one is harmed during an emergency room visit and you suspect it is due to the oversight of a medical professional within the hospital, please know that you have support. As always the number one thing to do is to be safe. The next thing you want to do is make sure you record all details about the incident and maintain all paperwork as possible evidence.


The applicable statute of limitations is likely already running, so timing can be critical to your case. Contact us today for a free, no obligation, and confidential legal consultation.

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