It seems that as soon as you find out that you are pregnant that you are faced with more decisions than you’ve ever thought possible. But one of the more significant decisions that need to be made is where you will have your baby? A lot of that question stems from what kind of birthing experience do you want to have. The two most popular options are at a hospital with an Ob-gyn and a home birth with a midwife. Each of these options has some pros and cons.


At a hospital, you will have access to full care for any complications that arise in your birth.
It is essential to know if you are in danger of a high-risk birth. If you have high blood pressure, have diabetes, are HIV positive or are obese you could have a high-risk pregnancy most midwives will not take you on as a client because there can be so many possible complications. A hospital will put a monitor on the baby to check the heart rate and to see if they are entering a place of distress. If that becomes that case, they can quickly move from a vaginal birth to a c-section to keep the baby and the mother as safe as possible.


There are also many medical professionals who share some concerns over midwife home births because of how many complications that can arise and how adept a midwife is at spotting trouble early on to prevent the baby from suffering life-threatening issues.
If you work with a certified nurse midwife, they have received a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in midwifery. This is the highest level of education that it possible for them. But does not include the additional years of training that an MD goes through. And not all midwives that share their services have this certification. Many children suffer from a birth injury like cerebral palsy because they have been stuck in the birth canal for too long and there is no way to get them out during a home birth.


If you or someone you know has experienced a traumatic birth in the home or at a hospital and the child has suffered a defect because of it, we may be able to help you. Please call us so that we can start the process of getting your little one what they need to get the care they deserve.

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