The care that you receive during your pregnancy goes a long way to benefit the health of the baby but also the health of the mother.
According to, “Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.” With prenatal care, women can make informed decisions about their day to day lives to ensure that they are taking the best care of themselves as they can.


Prenatal care can cover more basic care like what to avoid and what to add to your life.
Such as avoiding foods like deli meats, hot dogs, blue cheese dressing, sushi, caffeine, and alcohol. You should also avoid tobacco products and drugs. Your doctor can even walk you through the amount of physical activity that you should be doing each day. They also prepare you for labor and delivery and the decisions that you need to make before the baby comes.


But Prenatal care also helps you track the health of your baby.
It can help you see the growth and changes as your baby develops their lungs, fingers, and toes. They can do tests that will show if your child will have a different blood type than the mother, if the child is likely to have congenital disabilities, or if it appears that there will be some complications during labor. All of these tests help to ensure that the mother’s health and baby’s health are the top priority.


If you feel that you or someone you care about did not receive proper prenatal care and as a result, your baby suffered from complications, there may be steps we can take to help. There is a limited time to act on this, so sooner you contact us, the better. Contact us today for a free, no obligation, confidential legal consultation.

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