[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At this time of the year, there are bbq’s planned and people are gathering to celebrate the 4th of July. And with those celebrations, there are always fireworks. Maybe your family gathers at a stadium or park to watch the big show. Or maybe your family likes to put on your fireworks spectacular. If you have purchased your fireworks, it is essential that you take precautions to ensure that no one is injured. Each year there are up to 13,000 injuries that are associated with fireworks and up to 5 deaths. Here are some tips to avoid fireworks injuries:[/vc_column_text][us_single_image image=”9958″ css=”.vc_custom_1562159140499{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]

  1. Never let children play with fireworks
    • Young children should never be allowed to play with fireworks. Even popular ones like sparklers can burn as high as 3000 degrees. Some suggest that if you want to let older children hold a sparkler, use a plastic cup with a small cut out act as a barrier over their hand. Always actively supervise any child that is around fireworks. There are many times that a firework’s path strays and can lead to an injury.
  2. Never try to relight a firework
    • If you firework does not go off as planned to not try to light it. There was some error as it did not go as planned and to try and force the issue can often lead to an injury. Soak the firework in water and then dispose of it. If you ever should find a firework, please treat it with the utmost care. The soak it water and dispose of it.
  3. Always keep a healthy distance from you and the fireworks
    • Once you light a firework, make sure to run to a safe distance. Hopefully, your firework will go towards is projected trajectory. However, if that is not the case, distance yourself away from the explosion can ensure that you are not in harm’s way.
  4. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix well
    • At many 4th of July parties, there is a pretty steady flow of alcohol. But drinking and dealing with explosives leads to a much higher chance of getting hurt. Make sure that the person who is handling all of the fireworks is entirely sober.
  5. Check your surroundings
    • Make sure that the area where you are shooting off your fireworks and areas that sparks could land is clear of brush. There are lots of areas in the summer that are extra dry, so please keep an eye out for your wood piles, yard areas, and houses. You don’t want to celebrate by having to put out a fire. Having a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher nearby is always helpful.

We hope that your 4th of July celebrations are full of fun and free of injury![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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