When you are going to the gym, you have access to all sorts of machines and equipment that most people don’t keep in their homes. From a vast array of weights to treadmills to pools and steam rooms, gyms give you plenty of options on how you want to work out. But if you happen to be one of the millions of gym subscribers who do not frequent your gym as often as you like, walking in can also feel like you are walking into a minefield. After a seemingly harmless workout, you can wake up the next day and feel like your legs have turned to jello. Pulled muscles, tweaked knees, sore shoulders; all of these are common injuries that you can have after a work out at the gym. But occasionally, an injury sustained at the gym requires medical care. In those cases, who is liable for that injury?

When you sign up for a gym, you often sign a membership agreement. In that agreement, you will often find membership fees, what is included, other gym rules as well as the fine print of liability. Most gyms will consist of that liability waiver to protect themselves against any injuries that may happen while on their premises or while using their equipment. But sometimes these liability clauses do not hold up in court, especially if you can prove that the injury is due to negligence.

gym injury

If you should get hurt while at the gym:

  • Make sure that you tell the gym staff that you have been injured
    • It doesn’t bode well for you if your injury was not obvious enough to say to the staff that you had been injured right away.
  • Seek Medical Help
    • Either call emergency services or go to see your doctor right away. Make sure to tell them exactly how and where you were injured.
  • Keep Detailed Records
    • You will want to make sure that you have records of all of the medical treatment that you received so that you can prove the cost and extent of the injuries. It is also helpful to write out exactly what happened to you. Often if you go to court, it can be months to years later, so these detailed accounts can help you ensure that nothing is forgotten.
  • Find a witness

gym lawyerIf you or someone you know has been injured at the gym, please feel free to call us. Not all injuries go to trial, but our lawyers can help direct you and let you know if you have a case. All of our initial conversations are free of cost and obligation. Please feel free to call us today.

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