
The issue of distracted drivers is leading to some severe consequences. The CDC reports that nine people a day are killed and 1,000 people are injured each day due to accidents that are caused by distracted drivers.  Distracted driving is driving while any other than your driving is stealing your attention. The three types of distracted driving are visual, which takes your eyes off of the road, manual which takes your hands off of the steering wheel and cognitive, which takes your mind off of your driving. Here are five ways that you may be participating in distracted driving:

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  1. You keep your cell phone in the passenger seat
    • Your cell phone is one of the biggest distractions that you have. Keeping it in a handy or seen place makes it that much more of a temptation to pick it up while driving. If you look at a text for 5 seconds while going 55 miles per hour that is like driving the distance of a football field with your eyes closed. It is better to put your phone away and to put on the do not disturb function before you start driving.
  2. You change your GPS destination or add a destination while driving
    • Where your GPS is convenient in helping you get to your desired destinations, it can also be a huge distraction. This is especially true if you are adding to your destination, checking on the traffic that you are in or trying to find an alternate route. If your GPS is set, leave it, and focus on your driving only.
  3. You are eating or getting dressed while driving
    • Many people find it a point of pride when they can drive and also do something else at the same time like eat or put on their make-up. But both of these take your hands off of the steering wheel for periods of time. If you are trying to take off or put on a sweater, you are not only losing your hands on the wheel; you are also taking your eyes off of the road. Instead, plan to eat before or after you are driving and park your car for any additional activities.
  4. You tend to daydream while driving
    • This one may seem harmless, but it is highly dangerous while driving. You never know when someone may stop suddenly or make a quick change of lanes in front of you. If you are not paying attention, more likely than not, you can be the cause of a car accident because you are not putting your focus to the road.
  5. Your passengers take a priority while you are driving
    • This distraction can take many different forms. It could be that you are paying attention to what someone in the back seat is saying or a parent is trying to get the toy that their child has dropped from their car seat. Either way, both of these can lead to some severe issues.
If you feel like you have participated in any of the above distractions, do your best to eliminate them from your driving habits. If you see someone on the road that is weaving or driving erratically, it is always smart to pull off the road and let them pass you for a while. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident due to a distracted driver, please feel free to call us, and we can help you. All of our initial meetings are free of cost and obligation. Please call us today.


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