Childbirth is always a much-anticipated event with an array of emotions. Elation is room-filled as the happy parents share the news of their new bundle of joy. Sadly, this is not always the case as some mothers are left with pain and concern after a difficult hospital stay. At times, labor and delivery can cause injury to a child, and the fault may lay on the negligence of the hospital staff. There are protocols that a hospital takes to record information during labor and this will help if you decide to seek restitution.

What is an electronic fetal monitoring device?

EFM is a device the medical staff is trained to use as an evaluation tool of the baby’s heart rate and the mother’s contractions during labor. The staff examines this diagnostic tool and is trained to react should any issues arise. The EFM can reveal signs of fetal distress such as abnormal heart rate.

How are labor records kept in a hospital?

The EFM machine produces data strips (FHR tracings) that the medical staff read and reacts to accordingly. These data strips are the story of everything the child’s little body experienced during delivery.

What do I do if my child was injured during birth?

Unfortunately, the medical team does not always act properly or quickly to the readings of the electronic fetal monitor, resulting in injury to the child. The negligence of not correctly interpreting fetal distress signals is a form of malpractice. The EFM data strips are the record keepers of any labor and delivery hospital unit and are legal documents for litigations.

If you feel your child was injured due to the inattentiveness of the hospital team, we encourage you to contact us. When you speak with a member of our firm, we will inform you of your legal rights as a protective parent and help create a case for you. You have rights and deserve competent legal representation to aid you in your suffering.

Types of Birth Injuries:

10 Common Birth Injuries

Birth Injuries

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