[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are responsible for the safety of the products they sell even during the holiday season, so if you’ve been injured as a result of

Trick-or-treat but, before you go, be sure to prepare for some of the most common Halloween injuries so you can have the safest and most fun Halloween night possible. Specifically, Halloween is a time where fun and danger often can overlap by a thin line. And if social distancing is in effect or you’re utilizing masks (not just the ones included with creepy costumes) to keep things safe this year, it’s still important to understand and implement other ways to encourage safety during this time. The goal is to help you avoid some of the most common Halloween injuries listed below:

As children, one of the earliest walking safety tips we’re taught is to look both ways before crossing any street. And no matter what part of the world we live in, this tip is timeless for many when it comes to maintaining pedestrian safety. Nonetheless, while walking is definitely good for our health, and looking both ways before crossing the street is practical, pedestrian accidents are still prevalent.

When you hear the phrase ‘robotic-assisted surgery,’ you are probably not the only person wondering if an actual robot will be performing your surgery. With the advancements of medicine and overall technology, we should not be surprised that robots are beginning to have a presence in everyday life — and the daily endeavors of medicine is not an exception.

While the air is still warm and the days are long, amusement parks are the choice entertainment among kids and adults alike. These fun-centric playgrounds, lit by flashing colored lights, are the best spot for adrenaline seekers everywhere. However, their unmatched whimsy and excitement can end in devastation with just a single mishap.