Our medical advancements in the last 100 years have been astounding.

From vaccines, pharmaceutical medications to advanced and detailed surgeries; we are finding new ways to keep people healthy and alive longer. Never has there been a time that you can expect such high care. And while all these facts are correct, there is something inherently scary about going in for a procedure where you will be under anesthesia. Maybe it is the lack of control that you have or the complete trust you need to have in the doctors that causes this fear. And while errors under anesthesia are rare, they do happen to many people.

The purpose of anesthesia is to ensure that you are not experiencing pain, are not moving during the procedure, not experiencing stress and do not remember the entire procedure. Two of the most severe errors are when a patient is conscious during the process and accidental death. Consciousness during a procedure happens when the paralyzing agent is working, but the patient has not been brought to the point of being unaware. While these are the most severe cases, most anesthesia errors with lasting effects are not discovered until the end of the surgery.

If you or a loved one have woken up from a procedure and experienced:

Dental Damage
Organ Damage
Nerve Damage
Cardiac Arrest

You may have encountered an anesthesia error. All of these issues, including consciousness and wrongful death, are issues of malpractice and should be addressed as soon as possible. If you are looking for legal representation, we would love to meet with you. We have years of experience in helping people who have suffered from anesthesia errors find the justice and compensation that they deserve. All of our initial conversations are cost-free, obligation free and are completely confidential.

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