Did you know that OB/GYN’s are in the top 10 of types of doctors that are the most likely to be sued?
Along with Urologists, Neurosurgeons, and Oncologists, all of these doctors deal with highly complicated and detailed care for their patients. The nature of the lawsuits against OB/GYN’s includes patient suffering from abnormal injury, failure to diagnose, failure to treat, inadequate documentation of patient instruction and education, improperly obtaining/lack of informed consent, failure to follow safety procedures and errors in medication administration.


When a woman becomes pregnant, she may visit the doctor for prenatal care more often than at any other time in her life.
There is a considerable amount of trust that is put in that doctor as they care not only for the mother but the baby as well. Care for pregnant women includes nine months of care that looks for any issues that could risk the health and life of the mother and child. On top of those nine months of care, there is also the labor and delivery; during which a host of issues could present themselves. A good OB/GYN knows when and how to act if any problems should arise.


But an OB/GYN doesn’t only care for pregnant women; they also care for the reproductive care of all women.
Responsibilities of the doctor include breast examinations and surgeries, pelvic ultrasounds, pap smears, STD testing, bone density testing and hysterectomies to name a few. This care is very sensitive and of a private nature so having a doctor that you trust is vital.


If you or someone you know has had care from an OB/GYN that led to an injury, harm or wrongful death, it is possible that you could have a case against them. Please contact us. We would love to have an initial meeting which will be free of cost and obligation. We hope to help you in any way we can.

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