When searching for an attorney, inform yourself on the types of attorney fees, contracts and good counsel practices that you might encounter through this legal journey. The following information is basics when seeking out an attorney for help in judicial matters.


A basic definition of an attorney, often called counsel or lawyer is “one who is legally appointed to transact business on another’s behalf.” (merriam-webster)

Therefore if the lawyer is representing you in the courtroom, you expect them to follow certain ethical matters such as communicating your interests loyally and honestly, maintaining attorney-client privilege, and performing their duties with a reasonable degree of competency.

There are three types of fee agreements for the client and attorney relationship.
  • The hourly fee which is when the attorney has been paid by the hour.
  • The flat fee which is one rate agreed upon for the entire project.
  • The contingent fee meaning the attorney retains a portion of any settlement or award.

A written agreement is legally required to tie both parties to the promised fees. Your attorney should be able to provide you with a contract and walk you through it, so you understand, and all of your questions have been addressed. Be informed and be sure to talk to the attorney regarding agreed upon rates and fees, so you understand your contract that is locked-in by a written agreement from the onset of your legal partnership.

A good attorney will offer you a free consultation to best advise you on your next legal steps.  The attorney can walk you step by step through the processes.  We take a one-on-one approach to your case and handle it with care and professionalism.  Here at Raynes Erickson Attorneys at Law, we understand the disheartened feeling you must be experiencing because of the legal maltreatment, and we would like to help you in your journey to recovery and recognition.  We are here for you, we will fight for you, and we will be your voice in court representing you with expert skill, consistency, and dignity. Please contact us for a free, no hassle consultation.

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