Medical malpractice happens when a health professional fails to competently perform the duties prescribed to them that consequently causes harm to a patient within their care. There are different ways that a nurse can cause impairment or even death to a patient in their negligence. For example, the nurse can administer wrong medication or dosage, injure a patient with equipment, or even fail to act when medical attention is required.


Nurses are highly trained and educated medical professionals with a keen eye for patients in distress and are knowledgeable on how to properly react to help. That said, sometimes accidents do occur, although, not all cases fall under negligence.


In the cases where it is clear that the nurse was performing below the expected medical standards, in order to seek legal compensation for damages, harm must be the outcome of said negligence.


The following items are just some of the things you can do to help protect yourself, before or after an accident has occurred.
  • Be vigilant when seeking care for yourself. Keep a keen eye on your surroundings, what is going on during each procedure and make sure to talk to all those involved in your care.
  • Record everything. It is important that all details are recorded, when, where, how, discussions had and with whom, names, times, and how the patient is medically feeling. These recorded details along with hospital records can be vital to a case. We can help with obtaining the official hospital records and getting you expert medical testimony.
Here at Raynes Erickson Attorneys at Law, we can be your voice in court, representing your case with dignity and professionalism. If you or a family member are the victims of hospital or nursing malpractice, please contact our office and speak with a knowledgeable and supportive member of our firm today. It is always a  free, no obligation, confidential legal consultation.


Check out our previous post about a few ways hiring legal representation can help you!

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