There is no way to describe the love a parent has for a child fully. It is a fierce and protective love. It is a gracious and kind love. It is a love that can be overwhelming. Most parents I know have tried to describe it by saying that they did not know their heart was able to love this much. And when their child is sick or in pain a parent would do whatever it takes to ensure that their child is receiving the care that they need. They are, in many cases, entrusting the life and the well-being of their child with doctors and nurses. Which is why the betrayal of pediatric malpractice has such a sting. American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that one-third of all pediatricians will be sued for malpractice at some point in their careers.

When looking at a pediatric malpractice case, there are a few things that must be proven. One is that there was negligence on the part of the doctor or that the standard of care was not reached. These terms have some ambiguity as there are different standards based on key factors. What is needed is a pediatric expert witness who can help define what is the standard of care and point out where the negligence occurred. The second aspect that must be proven is the harm caused by the negligence of the doctor.

Typical cases of pediatric malpractice can include a misdiagnosis of meningitis. Meningitis can be treated well if it is caught early enough. Some doctors don’t recognize the symptoms, and the child is misdiagnosed, and the harm can have lasting effects. Another typical case is appendicitis, especially in female patients. The symptoms look very similar to a urinary tract infection or pelvic inflammatory disease.

If you believe that your child has suffered from pediatric negligence, please give us a call. We are experts in trying these cases and may be able to help you. Please call our office today.

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