Sepsis can sometimes be known as a blood poisoning. What is happening is that your body has come into contact with an infection. Most of us have had this at some point. When your body is fighting the infection, it is releasing chemicals. These chemicals are also able to cause inflammation and stop oxygen and other nutrients that are needed by your body’s organs. Sepsis is when the infection has overwhelmed your system to the point of seeing your organs shut down. Sepsis can lead to a drop in blood pressure, respiratory system failure, heart failure and in some cases can result in death.

There are many ways that one can find themselves suffering from sepsis. When you are being taken care of in a hospital, we all hope that they are using sterilized equipment and that they are following hospital procedure. But sometimes that does not happen. You can get sepsis from intravenous lines that will come into contact with your bloodstream and are not adequately kept clean. You can also get sepsis from bedsores. Bedsores or pressure ulcers are your body’s responses when you are lying down for a long time and are not being regularly moved. These open sores can lead to severe infection. But these are just a few of the ways that you could get Sepsis.

Sepsis is the result of not receiving proper care for your medical needs. Failure to give treatment for an infection, failure to properly clean medical instruments, failure to move a patient so their bodies are receiving enough circulation; all of these are a possible reason why one could have sepsis. If you or someone you care for has suffered from sepsis, please call us today. There is a window of time in which we can start the process of moving forward and getting you the help that you need. Our initial meetings are always free of cost and obligation.

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