It is a scary thought to think of an injury or death caused by the negligence of a medical professional.

Sadly, it does happen now and then. Medical professionals go through extensive training and education, and we rely on them for accurate information and procedures.

Pharmaceutical malpractice occurs when a medical professional (pharmacy, a pharmacist, hospital, or a healthcare provider) handling drug administration/distribution is negligent.

This form of negligence can have an array of effects on the patient such as adverse reactions from multiple medications taken, a drug incorrectly prescribed, an incorrect dosage (overdosing), other prescription errors and in some cases a person suffers serious injuries that can conclude in death.

It is imperative to be aware of prescribed medication for you or a loved one. Read the labels, be mindful of dosage and times taking medication and always ask questions.

What to do if you suspect a medication error?

If it is a nonemergency situation CONTACT THE PHARMACY and let them know of the mistake.

If the situation is a medical emergency, CALL 911 immediately.
CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR to minimize any healthcare risks.

GATHER INFORMATION to support your claim that your prescription was incorrect.
If you feel that you have been unfairly treated and/or injured as a result of a medical professional prescribing and administering medication incorrectly, CONTACT AN EXPERIENCED PHARMACY MALPRACTICE ATTORNEY.

Here at Raynes Erickson Attorneys at Law, we want to help make it right, and we are here for you. If you or a loved one are the victims of pharmacist malpractice, please contact our office and speak with a member of our firm. The applicable statute of limitations is likely already running, so timing can be critically important to your case.

Contact us today for a free, no obligation, confidential legal consultation.

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