What is it?
Elder abuse has many names and happens in many forms.  It is a sad fact that the elderly are a highly vulnerable piece to our population and in some cultures are seen as a hindrance.  We describe elder abuse as any mistreatment of an older individual that causes harm whether physical, financial, psychological and even neglect.


How can we change the narrative?
An aged person should be seen as a true treasure to our society, a living historian who has weathered changing times, a pillar to aspire to and treating anyone as less than is not only ethically wrong but illegal as well.


An estimated one to two million Americans aged 65 or older are injured, exploited or otherwise mistreated by someone each year, according to the National Center on Elder Abuse. The outrage of such treatment to anyone is saddening and is a reflection of us as a society.  The simple fact that aging persons lose their basic capabilities is not the basis for mistreatment or exploitation of any kind.


What can you do?
Abuse challenges how we view our roles in our own families and how we hold ourselves to a standard.  Concerned citizens are encouraged to be active and vigilant within your communities to help with detecting and reporting any elderly abuse.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.  Reach out and connect because it is only together that we can extend an arm around those in need.
What can we do?
Raynes Erickson Attorneys at Law is here to help bridge the gap between the often overlooked and those who would nefariously play a role in their harm.  Please contact us if you or someone you know has been abused.  We extend our hearts in hope and our practice in guidance to help you get the justice you deserve.


If you would like to read more about what elder abuse is and how to prevent, this website is an excellent resource.

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