For the most part, we rarely walk outside of our homes and start to worry about what obstacles we will face. You are simply going to a friend’s house for a get-together, or maybe you are going to the store to pick up a few last minute items for dinner. You rarely need to even think about the possibilities of getting hurt. But, accidents like this happen all of the time. Such as at:
Swimming Pools
Retail Stores
Office Complexes
Personal Properties
Amusement Parks
Parking Lots
Sports Stadiums
All of these locations have places where you could trip, fall and injure yourself from a variety of different dangers. But being clumsy and finding a premise to be liable are two very different things.

When looking into if a property was liable for your injury, four different elements must be determined to prove a person’s negligence: duty, breach of duty, injury and causation. And for each location, these vary greatly.

For an amusement park, their primary purpose is to bring people to them. Therefore they would be more liable if something on their premises would lead to someone having an injury. While if an accident happens in a person’s home and they were not expecting to have people come into their home; then their liability would be much lower. For each of these examples, their duty to providing a safe environment is vastly different. For a restaurant, they are expecting many guests, so their duty is to provide a space that ensures their guests will not be safe while in their establishment.

To read more about the next steps of determining a breach in premise liability, please check out our next blog. If you or a loved one have possibly suffered from an accident on a premise and would like to talk to one of our lawyers, please call us today. All of our consultations are free of obligation and cost.

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