Elder abuse is any mistreatment that causes physical, psychological, emotional, or financial harm.
It can often happen in nursing homes, but it can take place in private homes as well. Ideally, we would be looking up to our elders and treasuring the wisdom that they would pass along. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. In fact, our society does an excellent job of treating them like they no longer have a purpose. Sadly due to that mindset, elders are more vulnerable, and they can be taken advantage of or abused.


Elder abuse comes in many forms, and one of those forms is neglect.
Neglect can look like malnutrition and dehydration, and it can also look like bedsores. Bedsores are an injury to the underlying tissue that is a result of being left in the same position for too long. These pressure ulcers are an unnatural skin disease that is not part of the natural aging process. Bedsores tend to form around areas where the bone is prevalent such as the hips, ankles, tailbone, and heels.


Elders who cannot move themselves rely on their caretakers for the basic need of mobility.
The caretaker is responsible for ensuring that the elder does get some movement. This form of neglect is painful. Families and loved ones rely on nursing homes and caretakers to give their best attention and care to an elder in their care. Elders are reliant upon their caretakers and have to put their trust in these people who are responsible for caring for them.


We owe a responsibility to the senior members of our community.
We must be willing to advocate for our elders when we see abuse because they may be unable or unwilling to do it for themselves. If you recognize bedsores on a loved one or elder you know, please contact us. Here at Raynes | Erickson, we are passionate about justice, and we are here to hold abusers accountable.

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