Elder abuse can take on many shapes and forms from physical harm to financial exploitation.

Although elders are respected members of our community, when they cannot take care of themselves, they can be taken advantage of or abused. Elders can be vulnerable, and therefore are more likely to be abused by someone who is supposed to take care of them. Elder abuse is any mistreatment towards an elder that causes physical, emotional, financial, psychological harm, or even neglect.

Physical abuse of elders can also take many forms.

According to the National Center for Elder Abuse, the most common types of physical violence are head injuries, broken bones, lacerations, pressure sores, wounds, welts, bruises, and dental problems. The abuse can have a lasting impact on elders, even resulting in a higher risk of death.

Elders are the pillars of our society.

They have lived through the experiences we learn about in history books, and their weathered existence adds value and wisdom to our communities. Although elders should be treated with respect, as living historians, they are often more vulnerable to abuse. Elder abuse is not only ethically wrong, but it is also illegal.

Abuse can take place in senior care facilities and even within the home. Elder abuse challenges our concept of family and how we view our roles and relationships to one another. It is essential that if we are concerned about a senior member of our family or community that we speak up and advocate for them, because they may not be able to do it for themselves.

We are all responsible for the most senior members of our community. Their seasoned years contribute to our society, and they mean a great deal to their loved ones. If you or someone you know is an elder and has been abused, give us a call. Raynes Erickson is here to help you advocate for your loved ones. We are dedicated to the truth and getting the justice you or your loved one deserves.

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