It is always the recommendation from doctors that a woman has a vaginal birth.
It is how the body was designed to give birth, and there are some health benefits to the baby when they experience a vaginal birth. But there are cases in which a vaginal birth will bring harm to the mother or the child. In those cases, doctors rely on a cesarean section, otherwise known as a c-section. A C-section is a procedure where the doctors cut through the abdomen and the uterus to deliver the baby.
You will most likely see a C-section as an option when one or more of these symptoms are present:
-You have previously had a C-section. It is possible to have a vaginal birth after a C-section, but most doctors recommend staying with the c-section.
-The placenta has detached from the uterus wall
-The baby is in breech position, meaning their positioning is feet first instead of head first
-There are multiple babies, twins can be born through vaginal birth, but triplets and up are more than that usually born through c-section
-The labor is stalling and the for the baby’s and mother’s best health they need to move forward with a quick birth.
-The baby’s oxygen supply has been cut off.
Most of these reasons happen once labor has already started.
But there can be times that a c-section would be planned ahead of time. One of these reasons is when the mother has preeclampsia. This is when the mother has high blood pressure which points to signs of failed organs like the kidneys or the liver. This, of course, is very serious. So if doctors discover a woman suffering from this condition they need to schedule a c-section because the only cure is to deliver your baby. If it is early in the process, much needs to be monitored so that the baby’s and mother’s health is taken care of.


If you or someone you know has suffered from preeclampsia that was not appropriately handled please contact us. All of our initial meetings are cost-free and confidential. We hope to hear from you soon.

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