Brain injuries can be traumatic, life-changing, and often, permanent.

The National Center for Injury Prevention finds that 1.5 million Americans are affected by a traumatic brain injury each year. Of that number, over 1 million people are treated in hospitals and 500,000 die each year. Often, these victims are children who are more at risk for brain injuries.

Whether these injuries are permanent or temporary, they certainly have life-changing effects on the people who sustain them. Not only do these injuries affect those injured, but they can also change the lives of their loved ones.

Because the brain is an essential part of our body, controlling our everyday decisions, a brain injury can have a significant impact on those affected.

A brain injury can change the way that you live your daily life, even having a lasting effect on who you are as a person. Brain injuries, whether permanent or not are usually caused through the fault of others. Brain injuries can be a result of accidents such as automotive, motorcycle, equipment, or workplace accidents. They can also be a result of medical malpractice like a surgical error or birth injury.

Due to the life-changing nature of a brain injury, you and your loved ones deserve someone you can trust to investigate, file suit, and prosecute your claim in an effective and determined manner. We are aware that there are many difficulties associated with a brain injury. There are several costs to cover, and you and your loved ones have a long road to recovery.

We want to help ease the pain and make the road to recovery just a little more comfortable. We have extensive experience in the courtroom, and we have the skills needed to obtain full compensation for victims. We also understand the anatomy and functionality of the brain. If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury, please call us.

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